The next beer we are looking at isn’t technically a Marzen. We are checking out the Sam Adams FestBier. This is a Festbier / Wiesnbier. Sam Adams does have an Oktoberfest beer, which we will get to later. So let’s see if what the FestBier is all about. Coming directly from their site.
“Malty w/soft sweetness, like a biscuit spread with honey.
A lighter lager with a higher ABV for bigger celebrations”.
Appearance: The baby blue is an interesting choice as it stands out for a beer can. However, this only comes in a variety pack, at least to my knowledge.
Aroma: The aroma is odd because it almost smells like stale bread and that’s when you get an aroma because it is super light.
Taste: The taste is very light with a slight sweetness almost like corn. There are some malt notes but I get no hop flavors at all.
Experience: Since this is only 5.1% I knew this would be a light beer, but the mouthfeel is incredibly thin. So you will be able to get through 4-5 of these bad boys, but only having one bottle is a bit of a disappointment.
Game Pairing: When it comes to game pairing I chose Abzu. This is a chill under water game that lets you explore while trying to avoid sharks and other enemies. The FestBier can be easily drank for a few hours while you swim around and discover new areas.