leinenkugel – Drink a Beer and Play a Game https://www.drinkabeerandplayagame.com Wed, 29 Sep 2021 03:18:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 Sam Adams FestBier Beer Review https://www.drinkabeerandplayagame.com/sam-adams-festbier-beer-review/ Wed, 29 Sep 2021 03:18:55 +0000 https://www.drinkabeerandplayagame.com/?p=3433

The next beer we are looking at isn’t technically a Marzen. We are checking out the Sam Adams FestBier. This is a Festbier / Wiesnbier. Sam Adams does have an Oktoberfest beer, which we will get to later. So let’s see if what the FestBier is all about. Coming directly from their site.

“Malty w/soft sweetness, like a biscuit spread with honey.
A lighter lager with a higher ABV for bigger celebrations”.

Appearance: The baby blue is an interesting choice as it stands out for a beer can. However, this only comes in a variety pack, at least to my knowledge.

Aroma: The aroma is odd because it almost smells like stale bread and that’s when you get an aroma because it is super light.

Taste: The taste is very light with a slight sweetness almost like corn. There are some malt notes but I get no hop flavors at all.

Experience: Since this is only 5.1% I knew this would be a light beer, but the mouthfeel is incredibly thin. So you will be able to get through 4-5 of these bad boys, but only having one bottle is a bit of a disappointment.

Game Pairing: When it comes to game pairing I chose Abzu. This is a chill under water game that lets you explore while trying to avoid sharks and other enemies. The FestBier can be easily drank for a few hours while you swim around and discover new areas.

Leinenkugels Oktoberfest Beer Review https://www.drinkabeerandplayagame.com/leinenkugels-oktoberfest-beer-review/ Tue, 28 Sep 2021 19:36:01 +0000 https://www.drinkabeerandplayagame.com/?p=3423

The next brew we are going to look at is the Leinenkugels Oktoberfest. Jim and I have discussed Leinenkugel on this site before and even though many people talk down to this brand, we love it. So let’s see if they have what it takes to make a tasty Oktoberfest. Coming directly from their site.

“Our proud German heritage shines through in our homage to arguably the world’s greatest festival. A traditional Märzen-style beer, our Leinenkugel’s Oktoberfest has a toasted malt flavor and subtle, spicy hop notes that make it perfect for celebrating fall in true German fashion. So let your steins runneth over.”.

Appearance: The classic Leinenkugel symbol over top a scenic German lake is a nice looking bottle. The colors are nice nd it is exactly what you would expect. The beer is surprisingly dark for a Mazen and the head is a thick tan with a decent amount of lacing.

Aroma: The aroma is thick and heavy with caramel and malts. As the beer warms up I get notes like candied apple’s. I really like what this beer is bringing to your nose.

Taste: The taste is just like a caramel apples but it is surprisingly thin with a toasted malt finish. The caramel apple flavor throws me off because it feels fake, but it does taste good.

Experience: Since this is only 5.1% I knew this would be a light beer, but the mouthfeel is incredibly thin. So you will be able to get through 4-5 of these bad boys, but only having one bottle is a bit of a disappointment.

Game Pairing: When it comes to game pairing I chose Lakeview Cabin. This is an over the top violent and goofy 2D survival horror game available on Steam. This beer pairs very well because you have an interesting flavor mixing with a super light mouthfeel. Grab a six pack, rip off those pants and enjoy yourself.
