Weihenstephaner – Drink a Beer and Play a Game https://www.drinkabeerandplayagame.com Sun, 04 Sep 2022 19:31:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 Weihenstephaner Festbier Review https://www.drinkabeerandplayagame.com/weihenstephaner-festbier-review/ Sun, 04 Sep 2022 19:30:27 +0000 https://www.drinkabeerandplayagame.com/?p=4594

Background – From Weihenstephaner themselves “Deep gold in color, this beer is luminous in the glass. From the very first sip, the full-bodied flavor is immediately perceptible – a balanced harmony of hop and malt aromas. The dense foam and the rich maltiness of this beer are especially impressive in a Maßkrug (liter mug).Festbier is delicious with simple dishes, roasted chicken and flavorful Alpine cheese.”

Appearance – I could only manage to find cans of this one. In an off tan can with the green it doesnt read as a festbier. I like all the gold accents and logos. The bold lettering that claims it is from the world’s oldest brewery is a nice touch as well. Once poured it is a clear golden color with a foamy head that leaves plenty of lacing.

Aroma – Very light in the aroma with notes of apple and lemon. The malts are there but are not overpowering.

Taste – The taste is very light. I notice a mild balance of malts, apples and then a hoppy and tart finish. The sweetness is evenly balanced with a tart finish, which I presume is from the hops.

Drinkability – This is even lighter than most Marzens. With a very light mouthfeel this beer finishes dry and with a bit of tartness. Its easy to drink but I don’t love the mouth feel. This could easily be a full day drinker.

Overall – Another good beer from the Germans. This is a beer that is lighter than a Marzen and a perfect bridge beer for light lager drinkers. I imagine the best place to have this is during a festival/party while chomping on pretzels. I would highly suggest it.

Game Pairing: When it comes to game pairing I decided to pick Rampage. This beer is meant to be consumed while with others and playing into the chaotic and over the top fun of Rampage you are sure to have a great time. You will easily go through many of these brews and quarters, but you will have a great time.

Be sure to check out all of the other Oktoberfest Beer reviews here.
